Dazed of Disco...

December 14 2016 – Mariesa Crowder

Dazed of Disco... - Mariesa Mae Lingerie

Dazed of Disco... - Mariesa Mae Lingerie

"...the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter - tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther... And one fine morning - So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

~ F. Scott. Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby.

It's that time of year again. Party season is in full swing and as the year is drawing closer to it's end, we begin to reflect on the chaotic blur that has flown by before us.

I did an editorial for '69 Degrees,' a fashion and lifestyle magazine for the Midlands. We were shooting a feature on Nottingham based designer 'Callecia Brown' and I managed to sneak in a few pieces of Mariesa Mae Lingerie.

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The shoot was based around the idea of coming home from the party. It's not the walk of shame. It's that feeling that you've been up all night, and the world is still full of promise and delight. As daylight draws forever closer, the realisation creeps in that you are chasing rainbows. All good things must come to an end. The magical dust is losing it's sparkle and the reality sets in. You're sitting in the gutter. Alone! Lamenting on what has past.

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Hopefully all of your Christmas parties are fabulous and don't end up with you sitting in the gutter alone! But, if like me, there has to be some inevitable 'gutter' in your evening to make it feel like it was fun, be sure that you still slay! The look we're going for is 'Ho-bohemian' not just straight 'hobo!' Gutter only works whilst still looking impeccably glam.

Photographer - Melody Armtrong ~  www.melodystrong.com
Mua - Monica Montalvo @monicamontalvo
Hair - Annette Gray @netgray
Designer - Callecia J Brown ~ www.calleciajbrown.com

Tagged: 69 degrees, editorial, Lingerie, magazine, mariesa mae, mariesamaelingerie, Midlands, Photoshoot